Shopify Fortnox Integration – Basic
This Shopify App is a user friendly app for a very basic sync from your Shopify store to your Fortnox billing and accounting system. This app does not provide full automatization, hence it is only recommended for small and medium size companies.
This Shopify-Fortnox Integration will sync CUSTOMERs, PRODUCTs, ORDERs/INVOICEs from Shopify to Fortnox. It is a one way sync from Shopify to Fortnox.
Work Flow – The way this app behave is briefly like this:
When a customer place an order in Shopify, this order is synced to Fortnox as an ORDER. You will be able to find this order in Fortnox Admin->Orders. This sync will happen if you tick the box for “Enable Order Sync” in the app, and you will need the Fortnox Order Addon.
If tick on “Create Invoice for each order” option, then the synced order will be converted into an INVOICE in Fortnox. You will need the Fortnox Invoice addon for this feature.
If you tick on “Enable Invoice Posting” then the converted invoice will automatically be posted/booked into the default accounts. This feature will simple trigger the “Post” button on the invoice.
Payment Method: The core features of this app has no dependency to any payment methods. Tested with all major payment solutions like Shopify Payments, Klarna, Stripe, Paypal etc.
Shopify Plan: This app can be installed and used on all Shopify plans including trial development stores. This app is certified “Partner Friendly App”, hence it is free to install and test in development stores.
OS/Browser: App installation and settings interface is tested with browsers Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Firefox on Windows PC. App is NOT tested on MAC/Safari. If you experience any problem with the installation or features on Mac, please try with Firefox or Google Chrome.
Requirements & price
Shopify Fortnox Integration App including 1000 orders sync each month: 20$ monthly (190sek).
(This amount will automatically be billed through your monthly Shopify invoice after you install the app.)
Fortnox account:
Addons that you have to enable in your Fortnox account dashboard:
API INTEGRATION (paid addon, price 149SEK, you pay this amount to Fortnox AB)
ORDER & QUOTE (paid addon, price 89SEK, you pay this amount to Fortnox AB)
INVOICING (paid addon, price 139SEK, if you are sending invoice through Fortnox AB then you already have this addon)
Technical or presales questions related to this Shopify app:
We are also available on the chat from our website or on Skype between 06:00 and 14:00 CET.
Installation: Install the app from
Configuration: Once you have installed the Fortnox app to your Shopify store open “Account Settings” tab –> click “Generate New Token” –> log in to your Fortnox dashboard by using your credentials, Once signed in Approve Tab will open –> click “Accept Permission”. Now you can see a pop-up message it says “Token updated successfully” –> click “OK”. Now you can enable the sync independently for CUSTOMERS, PRODUCTS or ORDERS.
Get Started
1. Install Fortnox Basic from
2. Enable API and ORDER addon in Fortnox
3. On the app’s “Account Settings” tab, click “Generate New Token” to retrieve OAuth2 Access Token.
4. As minimum tick the boxes for Enable Article Sync, Enable Customer Sync, Enable Order Sync.
5. Now place an order in your store and the order should be visible in Fortnox Admin->Orders. Good Luck.
PDF Guide
Installation Instruction Download PDF Guide:
Create discount code in Shopify
Mapping Shipping Option with Item ID
Sales to other countries
Adding Project Name
Shopify Tax Settings
Landing page at Fortnox AB
Key Features
Customers are synced from Shopify to Fortnox. When a new customer signup or create an order, he will be created in Fortnox. When an existing Shopify user makes a new order, the same customer will be used again without creating a new customer.
Synced attributes for customer from Shopify to Fortnox :
Customer first name and last name
Address 2
Post code
Phone number
When an order is placed in Shopify, it will be synced into Fortnox as an order. You can also automatically create an invoice for each order. You must enable the ORDER & QUOTE module in Fortnox for syncing orders.
Synced attributes for order from Shopify to Fortnox :
Order date
Order number
Contact information
Billing address that sync:
First name and last name
Billing address
Billing address 2
Shipping address that sync :
First name and Last name
Shipping address
Shipping address 2
Shipping method
Payment method
When a new product is created in Shopify, it will automatically be created in Fortnox also. When you change the name or other attributes of a product, it will be synced into Fortnox also. By DEFAULT the app will do the mapping between a Shopify product and Fortnox article using the Shopify_SKU and Fortnox_Item_Id.
Synced attributes for product from Shopify to Fortnox :
Product name
Product title
Product SKU or ID
Product price
You can automatically post all invoices in Fortnox.
This is a multishop feature and Fortnox is considered as base. It means the stock value from Fortnox will be updated into Shopify when this feature is run.
Sync Tax
The app has settings so you can decide how the tax should be synced. App is compatible for your sales outside Sweden also.
Synced attributes for vat from Shopify to Fortnox :
vat percentage
When an order is placed in Shopify, it will be synced into Fortnox as an order. App will automatically create an invoice for each order.
Synced attributes for invoice from Shopify to Fortnox :
Customer details
Product details
Order details
Invoice date
Button to create Credit Invoice when an order is refunded.
Sync Discount
Compatible with Shopify’s own discount features. The final discounted price will be synced to your Fortnox account.
Synced attributes for discount from Shopify to Fortnox :
discount code name
discount price based on specifications – entire order or selected collections
Enable sync
By default sync is disabled. Just check on the check boxes to enable sync. You can enable/disable independently, but we recommend that you enable all of them: product, customer, order. You must enable ORDER & QUOTE module in your Fortnox account for syncing orders.
Create Invoice
You can enable this option if you want to create invoice automatically.
Updating stock value
Click on Update/Sync to update your stock from Fortnox to Shopify
Invoice Posting
When this feature is enabled then invoice will also be posted automatically using the predefined account settings in Fortnox->Settings->Invoice->Predefined Accounts.
In most cases it is enough to specify the accounts for: Sale Goods, Sale Service, Account Receivable, Tax
Manual Sync
Two different ways to manually sync an order to Fortnox:
Option 1 :
From the Orders tab; use the “>>” button on the new order column to manually sync.
Another option given below with screenshot.
Manual Sync
Option 2 :
From Shopify’s order page; click on the More Actions drop down and select “Sync order to Fortnox”.
Payment Type
Enable this option to sync the payment type. Information will be added to the field “Order Text” in the Fortnox order. Compatible with “Shopify Payments”.
User Guide
Product sync
If you have ticked the Article Sync, when a new product is created in Shopify, it will automatically be created in Fortnox also. When you change the name or other attributes of a product, it will be synced into Fortnox also. By DEFAULT the app will do the mapping between a Shopify product and Fortnox article using the Shopify_SKU and Fortnox_Item_Id.
If you already have articles inside your Fortnox account, then you have to manually create similar product in Shopify and connect it to the existing Fortnox article by copying the fortnox article id and save it as the SKU on the specific product variant in Shopify. This way the product in Shopify is linked to the article in Fortnox. This mapping is necessary for correct invoicing amount and stock sync. Beta notice: When article sync is enabled, any unlinked Shopify product might create duplicate in Fortnox when and order is synced or refunded. If this happens you have to verify the mapping values.
Stock sync
Stock is synced from Fortnox to Shopify. You can select whether you want to sync the amount from “In Stock” or “Available” attribute of the article. You update the stock value by clicking on the “sync” button. As this is a basic manual feature in current version of the app, you have to trigger this one or more times a day manually. The update happens in the background and it might take several minutes depending on how many products you have, if you have for instance 100 products, it will take few minutes. So if you click on the sync button be patience and do not exit the app as this will terminate the sync process. Once stock is completed, you will get report on screen with the result.
Manual Sync – New Sync and Update Sync
New Sync
You can sync your orders again through a new order option.
Update Sync
This will help you to sync your updated order information into Fortnox.
If the invoice is created for the respective order then the update order option is not available because it is not allowed to update your order which is already converted as Invoice.
No, your only cost is 20$ monthly for up to 1000 orders per month. If you need any technical help with your webshop, that is not related to this app, then it will be billed our ordinary hourly rates.
Only the last 60 days’ worth of orders from a store will be accessible from the order resource by default safety restriction on Shopify’s end.
All support through email is free
Of course. You pay for each starting month.
Please contact us with information about what kind of technical information you need, we will provide!
Along with alphabets, numbers, some of the special characters that are supported while adding article name a A 1 @ ! # $ % & /
Special characters that are not supported while adding article name ( ) * ^ [ ] { }
When we select SKU for article sync, no special characters are allowed, article info will be synced using alphabets and numbers as SKU.
If not selected SKU, variant id will be chosen as article id and sync the article info. We should select second option under Article sync – ” I don’t care about SKU, use shopify_variant_id for the mapping, and assign it as sku”
Known Errors
Error Message: Det finns ingen aktiv licens för önskat scope.
English: You do not have an active licence for the required action
You get this error message if you are missing an addon service needed for the feature you are using.
Please make sure that you have enabled the ORDER & QUOTE addon in your Fortnox account on Manager Users section. If you have enabled INVOICE POSTING in the Shopify App then you also need to enable the INVOICING addon in Fortnox. Check image below:
If this does not solve your issue, please contact Uniwin Support
You get this error message for 2 different reasons:
1) a required value is missing in the “Predefined accounts” (Förvalda konton) settings in your Fortnox account,
2) or if it is entirely missing in your Account Plan (Kontoplan).
This error message is originating from your Fortnox account, not from the Shopify app, therefore to find out the root cause for this error message you can do this in your Fortnox dashboard:
1) try to manually create an order
2) try to post it as an invoice
When you do the above checking inside Fortnox, it will show you an error message “Kunde inte hitta konto” with more details about which account number it is related to.
If the Predefined Accounts are missing in Fortnox, you have to go to Settings->Acconting->Predefined Accounts, and here you have to fill in your values. Most common values are 3011, 3018, 3016, 3015.
Make sure the values you provide are available in your Account Plan also. You check this in Register -> Account Plan.
If this does not solve your issue, please contact Uniwin Support
This error occurs when trying to sync/re-sync/edit an order for which an invoice is already generated on Fortnox side. If an order is converted into invoice the order is locked at Fortnox side hence it is not possible to modify it again.
Error Message: Förvalt konto för Försäljning är inaktivt eller finns inte i kontoplanen
Problem: The provided default account for booking your sales are not active or does not exist in your Account Plan.
Solution: In your Fortnox Dashboard go to Settings->Accounting->Predefined Accounts, then go to the section where you have specified the default account numbers for booking your Sales.
Most common values in this section are 3001, 3011, 3018, 3016, 3015. Note the account number you have specified for booking the Sales, and then go to Fortnox Dashboard->Register->Account Plan, and search for the particilar account number. The account number must exist here and it must also be Enabled.
Img: Settings->Accounting->Predefined Accounts
Img: Register->Account Plan
Error message : You have set shopify_product_SKU for mapping so each variant of product should have unique and valid sku
Problem: You have a product in your Shopify store that is missing a SKU. Without a valid SKU it is not possible to sync the order to Fortnox.
Solution: In our PDF instruction for setting up the Shopify-Fortnox-Integration, on “Step 5 – Map the Shopify Products with Fortnox Articles.” you find the instruction for how to add the SKU for a product in you shopify store. Direct link to the document: Shopify-Fortnox-Installation
Error message : Inköpskonto inte uppdaterat. Kontot “4000” existerar inte
Error message English; Purchace account not updated. Account “4000” does not exist.
Possible problem: A default account for purchase is not provided. The system is expecting/suggesting account 4000 for this purpose and this account is either not active or does not exist at all in your Account Plan.
Possible solution: In your Fortnox Dashboard go to Settings->Accounting->Predefined Accounts, then go to the section where you have specified the default account numbers for purchase. Here you can update your number and save.
Error message: There were some problem while installing the app, please re-install it.
Possible problem/solution 1:
You are installing the app through an unsupported browser. The integration is tested on PC with Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. App is NOT tested on MAC / Safari. Solution: If you experience any problem with the installation or features, please try with one of the tested browsers.
In some cases, if the initial installation attempt was done through Safari on Mac, a re-installation might not help. In that case, please contact us and we will clear you store data from database so you can complete a new installation from a supported browser.
Possible problem/solution 2:
You get this message when you try to access any one of this app’s feature or when you do any changes and give save in the app settings, but its been a while or opened the app page long time ago in Shopify. Solution: Due to security purposes we have a short session span in our Shopify apps try to re-open the app so there won’t be issues. Otherwise try another supported browser.
Error Message: Sorry you do not have an active status for subscription. Please click on continue to get approve.
Possible root cause for problem: Compatibility. App settings interface is tested with browsers Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Firefox on Windows PC. App is NOT tested on MAC/Safari. If you experience any problem with the installation or features, please try with one of the tested browsers
Error message: Kunde inte hämta/hitta moms.
Possible problem: You have made a sale which uses a VAT rate that is not defined in your Fortnox account.
Possible solution: You have to define the new VAT percentage in Fortnox Dashboard->Settings->Invoices->Tax. For instance if your sale was made from Finland, then you have to add a VAT rate 24% here.
Error Message: Order sync fail due to
Reason and solution: Most common reason for this error message and solution:
Reason: Session expired.
1. refresh the browser once
2 . please exit from the app page and load the app again
3. logout from your store and login again
Reason: Shopify/Fortnox sync safety restriction. This happens cause Shopify/Fortnox has a limit on API consumption.
1. give some time gap before clicking next sync
Reason: Fortnox key might be invalid
Solution: Please check that you have saved the correct API key for Fortnox
You have to generate a new “Access Token” go to “Account Settings” tab –> click “Generate New Token” –> log in to your Fortnox dashboard by using your credentials, Once signed in Approve Tab will open –> click “Accept Permission”. Now you can see a pop-up message it says “Token updated successfully” –> click “OK”. Now you can enable the sync independently for CUSTOMERS, PRODUCTS or ORDERS.
Possible problem: The email address is missing on the order
Solution: Email is mandatory for order sync, add the email address to the order and sync the order again.
Release notes and Roadmap
2025-01-08 - New Feature - Article Sync REST API to GraphQL API Migration
2024-12-18 - Bug fix - Fixed Manual SKU feature product creation issue
2024-12-06 - Bug fix - Fixed internal error when using Manual SKU feature
2024-11-14 - New Feature - Grouping Shopify customers under a single Fortnox Customer ID using custom tags
2024-10-23 - New Feature - Automatically clear error logs older than 30 days
2024-10-18 - Tweak - Order sync enabled when shipping discount added (with B2B settings enabled)
2024-10-02 - Tweak - Updated the Fortnox Server settings when using Manual SKU settings
2024-09-05 – New Feature: Automatically Refund Orders feature
2024-09-03 – Tweak : Fortnox Server Error is updated
2024-07-22 – New Feature: Fortnox Order number add to the invoice text field
2024-07-01 – New Feature: New feature for B2B customers
2024-06-18 – New Feature: Automatic Invoice send to email feature
2024-05-24 – New Feature: Bulk sync feature for create orders in Fortnox
2024-05-16 – New Feature: Enable 60 days old orders sync
2024-05-01 – Tweak : Updated Error log for Fortnox manufacturer article number
2024-04-25 – Tweak : Updated the incorporate inclusive tax into shipping charges to reduce them
2024-04-04 – New Feature: Implemented a new feature for sync the company name with Fortnox customer name
2024-03-25 – New Feature: Implemented Fortnox_manufacturer_article_number in shopify_SKU field for connecting a Fortnox Article
2024-03-19 – Tweak : Restricted double sync the orders during order/create webhook
2024-03-15 – Tweak : Auto sync will be blocked when orders count above 1000
2024-02-13 – Tweak : Auto sync enabled for fulfilled orders too in to Fortnox dashboard
2024-01-10 – New Feature: Added Currency Sync feature in General Settings tab also in Fortnox Invoices and orders
2024-01-02 – New Feature: Added Payment terms feature in General Settings tab also in Fortnox Invoices and orders