Install the app from:
Enable sync
By default sync is disabled. Just check on the checkboxes to enable sync, and click the SAVE button.
Unifaun Online account
Sign up for Unifaun Online: (dk) (no) (sv) (fi)
Connecting to Unifaun/Pacsoft
You have to purchase/enable the ERP-Connect addon (orderkoppling) from within your Unifaun Online account, before you can connect the Shopify app to it. You do it by logging into Unifaun/Packsoft and go to menu WEBSHOP, and there you click on “additional features” (‘Lägg till mer i systemet’), and choose the ERP-Connect addon with XML posting. Be aware of the additional costs for this addon. You can contact Uniwin Support if you want us to enable it for you.
Connecting you app is straight forward. Just open the Shopify app and type your Unifaun account username and password and select Unifaun Online (default) in the drop down menu if your account is from Unifaun. If you are using Pacsoft Online (Postnord), then select Packsoft Online. Finish by clicking on SAVE button. Check the video on
Add a sync option
You can map any of your shipping option with any carrier service from Unifaun. As an example, if you want to use DHL Express for your Standard Shipping, do like this:
Step 1: Select “Standard Shipping” in Shipping Options.
Step 2: Select “DHL” in Shipping Company
Step 3: Select “DHL Express 12:00 Domestic” in Service Type.
Step 4: Click on “Add Mapping”. Now there will be added a mapping under the section “Current Mappings”
Step 5: (optional) If if want to add any additional attributes to shipping label, click on the EDIT button for this mapping. If you leave all attributes empty, then your shipping label needs to be finalized before it can be printed; until then the shipping label will have status “Invalid” in your Unifaun interface.
Check the video on
Manual Sync
A valid “Mapping” must be created before you can use the Manual Sync option.
Step 1: Click on “Manual Sync” link
Step 2: Find the ORDER that you want to create shipping label for, and click on the sync button “>>” for creating the label in Unifaun.
Note: If a valid mapping does not exist for the selected order, it will show an error.
Check the video on
Printing Favorites
Step 1: Login to your Unifaun Online / Pacsoft Online and create a Printing Favorite
Step 2: Open Shopify App and type the name of the printing favorite in field “Printing Favorite Name” and click “Submit”
Step 3: When mapping a shipping, now please select Printing Favorite on “Shipping Company” and select your created Favorite afterwards.
For more detailed instruction: Printing Favorites User Guide.pdf